I Can’t Sell My House In Sacramento, CA… Help!

If you’ve found yourself saying, “I can’t sell my house in Sacramento, CA” this article is for you. Maybe you’ve been trying to sell your Sacramento house for a while now and haven’t received any offers, don’t panic! You still have a few options at your disposal to help you sell your house for a fair … Continued

How Does Selling My Sacramento House for Cash work?

How to Sell your Sacramento House for Cash? Cash offers for homes in Sacramento are not all that common. In fact, according to RealtyTrac, 70% of all home sales through real estate agents require bank financing of some kind to complete the transaction.  The numbers also indicate that an alarming 1 in 3 offeris with … Continued

How Do I Sell My House to an Investor in Sacramento CA

Home ownership just isn’t what it was just 20 years ago. The real estate market has changed dramatically and so has the very culture and motivation for home ownership. In the past, people would buy a home and live there for the rest of their lives, often passing it on to their family. Things have changed. … Continued

The probate process for a house in Sacramento

What is a probate anyway? The Buying and selling of real estate under normal conditions can be complicated, but when the owner of a property passes away with the title still in their name, (with or without a will), a court needs to determine the line of “rightful succession”. This court known as the Probate … Continued

Selling Your Home During a Divorce in Sacramento

The Ins and Outs of Selling Your Home During a Divorce in Sacramento If you’re wondering about the ins and outs of selling your home during a divorce in Sacramento CA… we’ll dive into the steps and things to look out for in this article. It Doesn’t matter where you live in California, in a … Continued

I’m Relocating And Need To Sell My House In Sacramento

Relocation is a complicated exercise in coordination. We get local Sacramento home sellers calling us or submitting their house info on this website every week saying “I’m relocating and need to sell my house in Sacramento“.  The great thing is that we’re able to help a good many of those sellers sell their house quickly … Continued

Selling My House for Cash in Sacramento

Should you take a cash offer for your Sacramento house? In Most Cases… YES. I’ll tell you why and how to sell any property for cash and in some cases why to refuse a cash offer – and when you shouldn’t say no. Selling My House For Cash In Sacramento If you’re selling a property in … Continued

Why Won’t My House Sell In Sacramento?

You’re trying to sell a Sacramento CA house that just won’t sell? And yet – the news says the real estate market is heating up. The media is practically shouting again about multiple offers, high demand, and record-setting prices. So where’s your contract? These tips could be just what you need to help you sell your Sacramento … Continued